General terms of engagement and use


The present terms of engagement will be applicable to services rendered by the Associazione Culturale Parloitaliano (henceforth, the School) with identification number G66915588, which is a nonprofit association whose proprietor is Mr. Vittorio Barbera (henceforth, the Responsible), adult, holder of NIE Y2463957G, and professional residence in Barcelona (08029) Córcega St. n. 81 Apt. 4-1.

The Responsible is the holder of the website, which is available to users for information and, when appropriate, procurement of the services offered by the company.

For any communication with the School, the customer or client can fill out the contact form on the aforementioned website, call 934-549124, or send an email to contacta[at]parloitaliano[dot]com.

Any person that procures a service with the School should know and accept unconditionally the present particular conditions.


The purpose of the website is to give information to users about the services offered by the School.

However, any user that does not accept these Terms of Use will not be able to complete the purchase process. Users acknowledge that they are adults of legal age, or may be minors so long as their father/mother or legal guardian has accepted the Terms of Use in their name.

3.-Services Rendered

The Responsible is a cultural association established to promote Italian culture in Spain. As such, they offer Italian classes (both private and in small groups) and cooking classes.

In addition, they offer the possibility to learn English and Italian via Skype. They also offer Spanish courses and digital training courses.

In general these services are offered in Barcelona (08029), Córcega St. n. 81, Apt. 4-1. However, in-home classes are offered as well.

4.-Registration and Enrollment in the School

The School may announce the registration period either online, in person or by any other method they deep appropriate. However, the School may close the registration period early, without advance notice, when courses have reached capacity.

Registration will take place through the completion of the registration form, which is available on the website referenced in article 1 of the present Terms of Use and at the School. Once completed, the student will submit the form to the School on the first day of class at the latest.

Notwithstanding the above, in general, the registered student will have made their payment to the School prior to the first class (except when by nature of the course, the School indicates otherwise) and the School should be able to confirm receipt of payment in order for enrollment to be effective.

The registered person will be enrolled for all purposes the moment that the School receives payment for the course.

Courses procured are personal and non-transferrable. This means that no other person besides the one enrolled in the School may receive the services offered.

5.-Price and Form of Payment

All information about the training offered by the School, including schedule, prices, and promotions can be found on the website. Forms of payment will be duly indicated online and customers will always be informed of prices, which include VAT, before proceeding with procurement.

The school has the right to modify services, prices, and promotions. In the case that an error on the website in prices or services has motivated a customer to procure services, the customer shall have the right to cancel their purchase.

According to the course procured, payment will be in full or in installments.

Payment for courses will be realized in cash, with a credit or debit card, online, or via direct debit.

In the case that payment is made by direct debit, it is important to note the first and last name of the person registered so that they may be identified by the School.

For in-home classes, there is an additional charge for transportation expenses.

In the case that payment is not remitted before the beginning of the course or first installment, and if the school is not notified of the cancellation or absence in the course, the School may cancel the student’s enrollment and may claim damages caused.

Discounts and offers are not accumulable.

5.1. Online Payment

According to article 23 of Ley 34/2002, of the 11 of July, of the services of the society of information and electronic commerce, contracts signed electronically are fully valid as long as consent and requirements for their validity concur.

Procurement of service will be realized in either Spanish or English, according to the preference of the customer.

In the case that purchase is completed online, the customer shall fill out the required information that is requested and shall give their explicit acceptance of the present Terms of Use.

Payments realized online will be made via PayPal or by credit card.

The purchase will be effective for the School when they receive confirmation from the bank entity. In the case that the process is interrupted in any way or the funds do not reach the amount requested according to the service purchased, the School will cancel the purchase and inform the client.

6.-Information provided

To access the purchase of products online, the customer should complete a form and send it. Data will be collected by the School as it is necessary to realize the procurement of service. Data will be treated by the School in accordance with the current regulations of personal data protection.

The customer guarantees that the information provided to the School is truthful. The School is not responsible if the information is false or inexact. If the customer provides any false, inexact, or incomplete data, or if the School has reason to doubt the truthfulness of any data, they may deny access to the customer.

In any case, it is at the discretion of the customer to exercise their rights to protext their data. They may do so by contacting the School by sending an email to the address contacta[at]parloitaliano[dot]com or by mail to Barcelona (08029) Córcega St. n. 81, Apt. 4-1.

7.-Right of withdrawal

As consumer, according to article 102 of the Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2007, of the 16 of November, approving the revised text of the Ley General para Defensa de los Consumidores y Usuarios and other complementary laws or norms that substitute it, you have the right to withdraw from the present contract within 14 days of the day of formalization without justification.

To exercise this right, you should notify the School at their physical address or via email using the contact information in the first clause. Your decision to withdraw from the contract by declaration is unequivocal.

To comply with the withdrawal period, you must send the communication exercising this right before the established period has expired.

Consequences of withdrawal: in case of withdrawal on your part, we will return to you all payments of yours that we have received without undue delay and in all cases, at most 14 days from the date we are informed of your decision to withdraw from the present contract. We will make said reimbursement using the same method of payment you used for the initial transaction, unless you stipulate otherwise; in any case, you will not incur any charges as a consequence of the reimbursement.

If you have requested that the provision of services begins during the period of withdrawal, you must remit payment for the proportion of services already provided at the time you communicate to us your withdrawal, with reference to the subject of the contract.

8.-Responsibility of the School

The school will keep web services available. However, they are free from this obligation in case of technical difficulty or causes unrelated to the School.

9.-Placement test

New students or students who have not completed a course at the School within the past year shall complete a placement test so that we can gauge their knowledge of the language and appropriate level in case they want to register for a group course or prepare for an official exam.

The completion of the placement test does not guarantee the reservation of the course.

10.-Number of students per group

In the general information for each course, the minimum number of students necessary to hold the course is indicated, and will vary depending on the course.

If the group dos not reach the minimum number of students required, the School may cancel the course, regardless of whether or not the course has started. In these circumstances students who are affected will be notified. The School will inform students of available groups in order to place them in another class.


The School will be closed for national, autonomic, and local holidays, according to the local calendar.

Holidays do not entitle a reduction in course price.

12.-Cancellations and drops

If the student fixes the present contract before finalizing the course, they promise to:

A. Remit fifty percent of the price of the course if they withdraw before one half of classes have been conducted.
B. Remit one hundred percent of the price of the course if they withdraw after one half of classes have been conducted.


Returns or reductions in price will not be given for failure to attend class.


Upon completion of the course, students will obtain a certificate if they achieve the criteria specified by the School.

15.-Official Degree

Lessons conducted at the school are not equivalent to an official degree. Students that want to obtain an official degree should take and pass official exams upon paying fees. The amounts corresponding to these fees are not included in the payment of the courses of the School.


The School is not responsible for damages of any kind when the client is responsible. The client will assume all responsibilities demandable.

Smoking and the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited both inside and outside the entrance of the building.

17.-Data Protection

To find out about processing of personal data, you can consult our privacy policy published on our website.

18.-Photos and Recordings

Photos and recordings captured during courses can be published in promotional materials and online. If you do not consent, you should say so in writing at the School.

19.-Resolution of conflicts and applicable legislation

In the case of controversy derived from the procurement of our services and in order to resolve any conflict, the parties agree to submit to the Tribunales de Barcelona. The parties will abide by the regulations of consumer and customer protection.


If any clause of the present terms is declared invalid, said condition will be removed and all other clauses of the contract will remain in force.


The Responsible reserves the right to modify these general terms at any time without notifying customers. The modified terms will be published on the website and will bind consumers from that moment.

Publication date: November 2020