Recipe: Saltimbocca with grape


blankIngredients for 4 people

Beef slices 12
6 slices raw ham
12 grape berries
vegetable broth
Extra virgin olive oil
salt and pepper

1) Wash the grape berries, cutting them in half and remove the seeds inside with the tip of a knife.
Cut the ham slices in half lengthwise, then roll each half slice with a few leaves of fresh sage washed and well dried before.

2) season the beef slices with a little salt (only because the ham is already quite salty) and ground pepper.And dip them in a little of flour, shaking off excess, then attach each of them with a toothpick roll with ham and sage.

3)brown the santimbocas in a fry­pan with hot oil and butter, by starting the cooking from the side with the ham and turn around after a minute and a half. After another couple of minutes, remove them from the pot, in which the grapes are flavoring, wetting them with half of a wooden spoon of hot broth.

4) Add, if necessary the sauce with salt and season it with a little of ground pepper and cook it over medium heat for 3-4 minutes before putting back the saltimbocas to cook just enough time to heat (ie, a couple of minutes). Turn off the cooker and transfer the slices on a serving platter, and bring them quickly to the table with its tasty grape sauce.

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